water2business achieves carbon neutrality

water2business are proud to announce achievement of carbon neutrality in line with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) guidelines; helping to combat climate change and sustain our environment through reducing emissions and offsetting through tree planting projects across the Southwest of England.

Certification of Carbon Neutrality

Working with ‘Carbon Footprint TM,' an organisation dedicated to supporting businesses achieve Net Zero and reduce emissions for a sustainable future; water2business have undertaken a thorough assessment of their carbon footprint to identify all sources of emissions within their water2business Achieves Carbon Neutrality operations. By implementing energy-effi cient practices and reducing waste, water2business have achieved a signifi cant reduction to their emissions. To off set the avoidable, water2business have invested in local, credible carbon off set projects which provide climate benefi ts. water2business not only meet regulatory standards but contribute to setting a benchmark for industry standards.

"Environmental sustainability is central to water2business' mission," said Andy Coates, Managing Director. "Our commitment to carbon neutrality aligns with our dedication to reducing our environmental impact as a business and preserving the planet for future generations."

water2business' achievement of carbon neutrality mirrors its ongoing eff orts for sustainable operations. By investing in projects that support the fi ght against climate change, the company reinforces its corporate consciousness.

"water2business recognise the importance of shared action in addressing climate change," added Andy Coates. "Through partnerships, we aim to contribute positively to the fi ght against climate change, helping to create a more sustainable future."

Achieving carbon neutrality represents a milestone in water2business' journey. "We are extremely grateful for the support of our customers, employees and stakeholders. Moving forward, water2business will remain committed to reducing carbon emissions and investing in a more sustainable future."

For more information about water2business' initiatives and sustainability efforts, please visit water support.